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Scott joined the ranks of such past luminaries as Pankaj Gore and Andrew Little by coming to us from the Barrow Neurological Institute. Both his predecessors were exceptional for their diligence and professionalism. Scott gave these descriptives new definition. Scott refused to leave the hospital until all tasks were executed to absolute perfection.

The Centre receives over 50 patient files a week that are sent to us from all over the world. Each file contains complex clinical information, hundreds of MRI images and often scanty contact details. Although reviewing these files is offered by the Centre as a free service, we feel obligated to review each one with the same thoroughness as when we see a patient in the clinic. The job of reviewing these files falls on the shoulders of the fellow, who, after operating until the small hours of the morning may not get to the files for days to weeks after they arrive. Scott wouldn’t let a file sit in his mail box for more than 48 hours no matter how late he needed to remain in the hospital. As well as being an exceptional clinician, his dexterity and appreciation of 3D anatomy were second to none.

Scott’s surgical skills, clinical acumen, conscientious attitude and personal integrity will make him one of the finest neurosurgeons in the world…mark my words! Scott was joined by his delightful family of Regina, his beautiful wife, and his 4 gorgeous children…although I am unsure as to when they ever saw him! When Scott wasn’t caring for his patients, or reviewing files or writing journal articles, he was training for an ultra-marathon, which he completed in an admirable time.

We wish him the best of luck in the future

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