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Samy wants to be and will likely succeed in being, the best neurosurgeon in the world! I have never seen anyone as driven and ambitious as Samy. There was not a day in the 6 months that he was here where he did not give himself a challenge and pursue it relentlessly. If I ever raised an issue or clinical fact that was previously unknown to him, he would trawl through the neurosurgical literature researching every aspect so that he would be totally familiar with the latest information. God forbid if I ever gave him any misinformation! He was not backward in coming forward, and would quickly correct me and before I knew it, I became the pupil and he the teacher! That was probably the most appealing facet of his personality….Samy is a no bullshit kind of guy…..what you see is what you get. We found his honesty, spirituality, commitment to excellence and generosity of spirit without equal. His technical skill in the operating room is second to none and only equalled by his clinical care.

As with many of my previous fellows, as the 6 months drew to a close, I wasn’t sure if I had taught the fellow any more than he had taught me. We will miss Samy terribly and wish him the best of luck with his career and family

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